Page 20 - Customs Today Winter1984-OCR
P. 20
By Brian Lee
Employees Honored in
Washington. D.C.
r> uring a ceremony held in the Departmental Auditorium next to ** Headquarters, Customs honored a number of its employees
this past September. Here are some scenes from that cere
mony, which featured the world premiere performance of Customs' own march.
Headquarters Operations Officer John Holt was recognized for his work in streamlining warehousing procedures and improving procedures used in super
vising foreign trade zone activities.
From the left, Commissioner von Raab and Customs
Comptroller William H. Russell honor Headquarters Procurement Specialist Joseph Huddleston for his
effective handling of contracts, particularly in matters dealing with law enforcement.
Philip Metzger, Assistant Area Director for Classifi cation & Value, center, receives an award for his work
in the classification and valuation of imported goods
coming into the United States, foining Commissioner von Raab in making the presentation is Deputy Com
missioner Alfred R. DeAngelus.
Patrol Officer Harold Parker, right, of Gulfport,
Miss., accepts an award for his work in apprehending
drug smugglers, helping the anti-drug program in South Florida, and training co-workers.
Personnel Management Specialist Mary Mohan from
Houston, Texas, accepts an award for work she per formed automating personnel data systems.
Robert Papelian, Port Director, Massena, N.Y., is honored for heading a staff with one of the most sig
nificant law enforcement records in the Northeast.
U.S. Ambassador to the Organization of American States (OAS) William Middendorf conducts his com
position, the "U.S. Customs Service March. "
Phyllis Mills, a secretary in the Office of Patrol at Headquarters, receives an award for her efforts in making her office work more effectively.
Inspector Valerie Goo from Honolulu, Hawaii, re ceives an award from the Commissioner for seizing
nearly 35 pounds of heroin.