Page 21 - Customs Today Winter1984-OCR
P. 21

Kathleen Bucholtz, a staff attorney in the Office of the
Regional Counsel in Chicago, receives an award from the Commissioner for her work in making Customs'
anti-fraud programs successful.
DuriAnpgprathiseal 1C9y8c2le-19th8e3 fPolelorwfoinrgmaCnucse toms Senior Executives received bonus
awards for the reasons given:
Robert N. Battard, Regional Commissioner, Southeast Region. Mr. Battard received his award for effectively managing a Cus toms Region that is in the forefront in the
war on drug smuggling. He has been in strumental in the fulfillment of the
Customs mission in his region.
Peter J. Dispenzirie, Regional Commissioner, North Central Region. Mr. Dispenzirie was honored for his exemplary skills in man
aging one of the more widely dispersed Customs Regions. He responded profes
sionally to Headquarters initiated pro grams and showed imagination in solving problems unique to his region.
Donald F. Kelly, Regional Commissioner,
Southwest Region. Mr. Kelly's award was
given for his innovative and skilled lead
ership. Because of it, the operation of his
region has been completely revolution ized. His new direction has drawn na
tional and international recognition for the U.S. Customs Service.
Michael H. Lane, Deputy Assistant Com
missioner, Office of Inspection & Control,
Headquarters. Mr. Lane was cited for
developing many new program initia tives and performing his duties in an
exemplary fashion. His duties have been made even more demanding because of
the extremely tight budget and resource restraints placed on the Customs Service.
"Thanks.1" That's the word retired former Assistant Commissioner David C. Ellis is getting from Com
missioner von Raab. Mr. Ellis received a "Mr. Customs'' award for his continuing post-retirement interest in Customs. He has regularly served as a guest speaker at the Customs Academy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Glynco, Georgia. The award, presented to Mr. Ellis in the Commis sioner's office, reads, in part: "For your fine perform ance in making effective and professional presentations to Customs students regarding the mission, history, and traditions of the U. S. Customs Service. '' Mr. Ellis had been Assistant Commissioner for Operations.
Patrick O'Brien, Assistant Regional Commis sioner (Enforcement), New York. The desig nation of law enforcement as a top priority
program in Customs placed an inordinate amount of pressure on Mr. O'Brien in his
region. He has provided the kind of leadership needed to stem the flow of drugs entering the United States and carry out other vital Customs missions.
William H. Russell, Office of the Comptroller,
Headquarters. Mr. Russell was singled out for initiating a cost-effective approach to
running the Office of the Comptroller which has resulted in considerable sav
ings and increased productivity.
Robert P. Schaffer, Assistant Commissioner,
Office of Commercial Operations, Head
quarters. Mr. Schaffer was cited for his
management skills and outstanding lead
ership which resulted in many achieve ments in support of the Customs Service
and Treasury Department mission. The
way in which he responded to the de mands of his job serve as a model for
managers to emulate.
John P. Simpson, Director, Office of Regula tions & Rulings, Headquarters. Mr. Simp son was selected for providing the mana
gerial expertise that resulted in the Office of Regulations & Rulings becoming one
of the more effective organizations in the Customs Service. In addition, he pro vided leadership that manifested itself in needed deregulation, cost reduction and
program innovation.
Brian Lee is Managing Editor of the Winter Issue of Customs Today.
Senior Special Agent Thomas Gray, now assigned to
Headquarters, accepts an award for work he per formed while a Customs representative in Hong Kong
making successful textile investigations.
Robert Pisano, an attorney in the Office of Commer cial Operations at Headquarters, is honored for his contributions in successfully concluding major steel fraud cases and other commercial fraud cases. Not shown in these ceremony photographs, but honored, were two other Customs employees, Hubbard Volenick and Kenneth Wagner. Volenick, honored for his work in international affairs, works at Headquarters. Wagner, a Senior Special Agent in Miami, Fla., was honored for developing and investigating many internal affairs cases to help insure Customs' integrity.
Senior Executives
Win Awards By Brian Lee

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